Beginners Guide to Google Analytics
October 6, 2021
Read our guide to Google Analytics (GA) - Duel Marketing discuss; metrics, data collections, page views, events, ecommerce, reports, setup steps, goals and more!
Do you know that there are two types of marketing? – Actually, yes! All marketing efforts eventually fall under two broad categories only; Push And Pull Marketing.
Now, you’re probably wondering about which strategy to follow. At this point, we must say that there is no precise answer to this question. Both strategies mustn’t be used interchangeably as they complement each other, serving different purposes. So, deal with them as two sides of the same coin. Consider your market, study your buyer persona, and choose how you want to approach your audience. If you want your business to get noticed, follow our lead and know more about both strategies to help you decide. Shall we start?!
Push Marketing is a promotional strategy at which businesses try to literally push their products towards their target audience. Pushing products or services towards the crowds represent Push Marketing, which is considered a common sales tactic. It is most common with new brands to increase brand awareness, boost their exposure, and consequently, increase sales. The push channels really do magic to young businesses. So, when should you implement the “Push Marketing Strategy”? – It is really simple! Businesses use this strategy when:
Push marketing, also known as Direct Marketing, is a general form of marketing, where you advertise your products and services directly to your audience. For a business that has been in the market for a while, use your different social media channels and landing pages, accompanied by a creative CTA to implement the right Push Marketing Strategy.
Conduct flyers or emails to be sent once your prospects are in the funnel. Once you’re about to launch a new service or product, use the print-on-demand services, and target your relevant audience.
Your customer relationship management software is crucial to building a solid database of audience and leads. As soon as you’ve got a new product to launch, use direct marketing with these leads.
Opposite to Push Marketing, in Pull Marketing, your audience already knows what they need and are searching for it themselves. Marketers use different, smart techniques to pull their target audience towards their brand. They definitely use brand awareness, their reach, and exposure, along with their reputation to attract more customers. In this case, your audience searches for your product, seeks more information, and engages with your brand before they make the final decision. So, when to implement the Pull Marketing tactic? – Brands use this strategy when:
Pull Marketing, also known as Inbound Marketing, is a bit different! In this case, you use smart, effective techniques to draw customers to your products or services. The point is to know what your audience is looking for and find out the keywords they use on searching your industry. Actually, this strategy has proved its effectiveness in establishing strong relationships with your customers and achieving a loyal community.
Social media marketing is an effective part of your Pull Marketing Strategy. They are most efficient when it is used in increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, driving more traffic, and increasing exposure. They guarantee the best possible results, compared to any other tactics. Facebook Ads can help you reach the target audience, successfully implementing your Pull Marketing Strategy, depending on the precise targeting. First, research your buyer persona, then, conduct audience targeting, and finally, create your campaign.
SEO tools are important for any business seeking organic exposure and high brand awareness. Research the right keywords, use internal links, and track your performance using Google Search Console. Optimize your content accordingly, rank high in the different search engines, and boost your sales.
Both strategies work to increase your exposure and boost your sales, if each is implemented at the right time. In the first strategy, you push your offer to the target audience while in the second; you pull them to explore your business closely. Today, people can search for anything they want, read reviews, track ratings, and ask their friends. So, as a marketer, you must focus your attention on introducing your business or brand to your prospects.
If you’ve just started your online business or just launched a new product, then go for a Push Marketing strategy. That’s because, without push marketing, your target audience won’t even be aware of your presence. On the other hand, choose a Pull Marketing strategy when your audience already acknowledges your brand and know what they are looking for. Your main goal is to build solid relationships with your audience, answer their inquiries, and satisfy their needs. When your customers are happy with your business congratulations, you’ve got yourself a loyal community. They will likely come back again and again, achieving better results and quicker sales than Push Marketing. To sum it all, we’ve highlighted the three main differences between both strategies to help you understand and decide.
Push Marketing focuses on your brand exposure, focusing on making your audience aware of your business. Pull Marketing focuses more on brand awareness, recognition, and building rapport with your audience.
Channel: Push Marketing uses email marketing, TV and radio, face-to-face sales, and more. On the other hand, Pull Marketing leverages the techniques of SEO, pay-per-click campaigns, social media marketing, and more.
Push Marketing is more expensive than Pull Marketing. However, Pull Marketing requires lots of work, study, and research to achieve the best possible results.
At Duel Marketing, we know how to create demand for your products or services. Our experts will help you implement both strategies at the exact right time. At first, Push Marketing creates the demand, and then, Pull Marketing satisfies this demand.
Don’t hesitate! Contact us and let our experts do the hard work for you!
Discuss your Push And Pull Marketing needs today