Bing vs Google
June 25, 2021
Despite appearances this battle is far from over - Read our guide to the benefits and drawbacks of each search engine to make up your mind!
Over years of internet usage familiarisation we have been accustomed to certain expectations. We expect to visit any web address freely, access any content we wish. We expect our speed (including upload and download rates) to always run at their optimum. We do not expect our service provider to modify this. This is the theory of net neutrality.
The introduction of legislation to preserve our expectations could prevent any internet service provider from tampering with our service. Any alteration, beit slowing down, speeding up, throttling or blocking access to any content, sites or apps is not expected by any user. Historically this is the way the internet was introduced and gained mass appeal.
In the absence of any standards internet service providers (ISPs) are free to modify user experiences. They can modify our experience as they see fit. Controlling the speed and access to sites, and other content.
Small businesses and entrepreneurs alike can thrive online due to neutrality of the internet. This freedom paves the way for innovations and industry expansion. If this fails to become enforced there is a chance that game changing companies, such as Google and Facebook, may not have the opportunities that where once available.